The Compassion Antidote: A Path to Change for You and Your Child Struggling with Substance Use
The Compassion Antidote is a comprehensive guidebook for parents struggling with the substance use of their children. With the first-hand experience of Certified Parent Coach Catherine Taughinbaugh you are presented with options and knowledge to best resolve as well as help with emotional experience when faced with this most difficult situation.
I like how this book deals with the pangs of addiction realistically and respectfully. What hit home to me while reading was how it addresses the manner in dealing with the self-blame but the social shame when these matters are revealed. The book has short easy to read chapters packed with information and a summary to help you takeway the most vital information.
I would recommend this book for anyone who is a parent. I feel it is important to read this book even if your child is not struggling with substance use because it can also be used as a preventative tool and you never know when the situation may arise that the skills within will come in handy and prove useful.