The Sitcom Murders Book 1
Lacey Livingood is the leading lady of a beloved sitcom and her series is about to be rebooted. The new series is written by her original screenwriter, now deranged, and transforming her sitcom into a horror series. The relationship between the character and the writer is met head-on as he reveals more of his plans for her… and we are along for the ride!
This book is theatrical and exciting as well as witty and scary. I love how the character is able to talk to the writer and break the rules to turn everything on it’s head. This book is short and perfect to throw in your bag to read on the plane or a lunch break. It is great for a book club read because it will bring tons of discussion to the table due to the incredible plot. This is the first book in the Sitcom Murders series and I can’t wait to get my hands on more.