The Yoga Of Karl Marx
The Yoga of Karl Marx is a grand introduction to the philosophical foundations of Karl Marx’s writings and explains in-depth the meaning of dharma and the socialist paradigm. You will uncover the Vedic signs, Indra- the “Essence of Man”, and Vrtra.
Before reading this book I barely knew a sprinkling about Marx and that was mostly what they taught in school. I discovered this book is a wonderful companion the Marx writings and helped further understand his philosophy and emphasize the grand contributions that go often misunderstood. I wanted to examine Marx further and not just as a writer and philosopher but as a significant person in history.
I would recommend this book to your favorite bohemian friend. The book is perfect for intellectual minds to ponder and discuss in a book club setting that will evoke hours of wonderful discussion at every meeting. It’s a great starter book to introduce someone to Marx because it is simple and to the point. I suggest reading this book to release your inhibitions. Namaste!